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Cinema Tripod

Starting at $3,335.00

The precision of the RRS Cinema Tripod and its meticulous design allow for unparalleled stability and reliable durability for peak photography performance in any environment.

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  • 5

    Shawn Hunsaker 2nd Nov 2023

    Cinema Tripod

    I have multiple RRS cinema tripods, put to extensive use over the last years. These have been used in recording hundreds of hours of live onstage performances for music and theater, outdoor structured documentary and interviews. I consider these the finest portable cinema tripods available, period. The leg extensions of the taller version allow me to set up inside the most radical step-zones of theaters, and over seating without issue. The stability is outstanding, even with large fluid heads and heavy camera and recording rigs. These have unparalleled flexibility in leg positioning and very secure locking systems. They are the finest cinema tripods that I own. RRS accelerated the build of one of the tripods so that I could meet a very tight recording schedule for a professional Shakespearean theater release where I needed an additional camera placement. Bravo to RRS, their design team and manufacturing staff. They have earned my business, again and again.